CLARO docs page

What is CLARO

The CLARO is a chip designed for fast single photon counting with photomultipliers.
Its primary application is in the upgrade of the RICH detectors of the LHCb experiment at CERN.
LHCb PID Upgrade Technical Design Report

The main features of the CLARO are:


Paolo Carniti, Lorenzo Cassina, Claudio Gotti, Matteo Maino, Gianluigi Pessina
INFN and University of Milano Bicocca, Italy

Angelo Cotta Ramusino, Massimiliano Fiorini, Roberto Malaguti
INFN and University of Ferrara, Italy

Mateusz Baszczyk, Piotr Dorosz, Wojciech Kucewicz
AGH-University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland


The first version of the CLARO was the CLARO-CMOS, the first 4-channel prototype.
Tests with SiPMs
Radiation tolerance tests


The CLARO8 is the latest 8-channel version of the CLARO.
CLARO8 paper
CLARO8 manual v0.1
CLARO8v3 extended manual

This page was last updated on 20170912